On the 4th of April 2021, Balebengong.id’s Citizen Journalism Class alumnae of Besan Village in Klungkung planted 38 trees along the water flow line of Celuk waterfall. The trees were obtained from the ZeroWaste Center’s Adopt a Tree Program. 

Why Planting Trees

Besan Village is located on the bottom of Abah Hill, which makes them the upstream place for the water source. Sadly, the river’s condition in Besan Village is relatively dry, the water only flows in the rainy season. This is why the Balebengong.id’s Citizen Journalism Class alumnae of Besan Village are trying to conserve the water in the ground by planting various types of trees.

ZeroWaste Center’s Tree Adoption Program

Knowing that ZeroWaste Center has a tree adoption program, Osila, the group coordinator, reached out to us. The types of trees that they adopted are monkey pod, mahogany, kapok, cattapa, flamboyant, sappan, tamarind, neem, noni, and banyan which are excellent for water conservation. In total, they have adopted 38 trees.

Tree Planting Event

The tree planting event was a successful collaboration between Besan Village community, Balebengong.id, R.O.L.E. Foundation, and Environmental Bamboo Foundation. A total of 50 people participated, consisting of high school students, Besan Village’s youth community, and the local government officers. 

Interested in adopting a plant or tree? Contact program@rolefoundation.org.