This month’s Beach Cleanup was special because we collaborated with Air Canada who brought 35 participants who were ready to clean up the beaches in Bali. On July 5, 2024, we held BCU x Air Canada at Kelan Beach. We successfully collected 82.3 kg of non-organic waste despite the clean-up had to cut short to approximately 30 minutes due to traffic in Bali. All participants looked enthusiastic to clean up the beach where many people visit everyday to enjoy the sunset. Although the tide was a bit high at the time, we managed to take concrete action to protect the beach and ocean from plastic waste. This action is expected to be able to have a big impact on all participants who are present about the dangers of plastic waste in the sea and are also expected to be able to inspire a set of people to take action.
Location and Condition of the Beach

Kelan Beach is one of the favorite beaches to visit in South Kuta, Bali. People come here to enjoy the sunset moment with family and friends. It is located just beside the International Ngurah Rai Airport. During this rainy season, a lot of waste is easily found along the coastline. It is worsened by some irresponsible visitors that just leave their waste on the beach. Therefore this beach looks so dirty when I did a survey here. Some fishermen told me that some cleaners from the government sometimes do cleanup but not often. Furthermore, if you visit the beach, you will not see many trash bins around while the beach receives a lot of local visitors every day. So we chose this beach to be the venue for conducting beach cleanup this month. We hope people will see us with real action for a better environment and future generations.
Waste Collection and Separation

We collected 82,3 kg of non organic waste during the Beach Cleanup at Kelan Beach. As we can see on the pie chart, residue dominates the percentage of total waste collected which is about 47.6% of total waste. This month is the beginning of the rainy season that could affect the increased amount of waste on some beaches in Bali including Kelan Beach where we found a lot of non organic waste that were mostly in dirty and broken waste that we categorize as residue. We collected around 25 kg of glass bottles during this event, this glass bottle will be crushed and recycled at the center. Hard plastic such as plastic glass bottles and plastic cups could touch approximately 6.5% of total waste. Otherwise, soft plastic such as laminated and colored plastic only reaches 2.3% of the collected waste. There are 8.3% shoes/slippers that were collected during the event. Aluminum can and Tetrapak are the minorities of this percentage.

Play a ROLE!
We would like to say thank you to Air Canada for organizing their beach cleanup with ZeroWaste Center! You could also take action and organize your very own beach cleanup with us. Contact for more information!

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