The SOAP Program give jobs to At Risk Women of the Bukit, and produces income to run our programs and projects. The SOAP Program also prevent the 75 tonnes of unused soap produced each year on Bali Island and reuses a resource that would be thrown away. The UP-cycled Soap is then distributed to nursing home, orphanages, organizations, schools, financially challenged family and helping them reducing their monthly expenses.
The collected used soap from our 20 hotels partner in August 2018 is 46,92 kg. We have produced 2083 pcs of soap in July where 1.989 pcs of recycled soap were distributed to orphanage, event, special group, and non-profit organization.

Hotels partner for SOAP Upcycling
B. Natural Dyes
Natural dyes program is our program to revive the use of natural color coming from root, leaves, or stem of plants in Indonesia. Natural dyes have been used for many generations in Indonesia especially to make batik. At ROLE Foundation, we provide jobs to local women in Sawangan Village because of this natural dyes program.
We usually teach the visitors of our Community Environment and Skills Center about the type of plants that can be used for dyes, the method and the advantages of using it compared to chemical dyes. This natural dyes then used for weaving and making scarfs.
C. Weaving Future
The “Weaving Futures” project, a natural dyes and traditional Balinese textiles social business model, provides skills and generates income opportunities for economically and educationally disadvantaged women in Bali. The project has been established by Role’s Eco-Friendly Social Business Development Programme and develops the weaving of naturally dyed organic cottons by local women on the Bukit Peninsula. Scarf production in this month is on progress.
D. Women Microbusiness in Bali
This August we also got volunteer from management background, Ni Made Dwi Dharmiyanti, who will work in our program about Women Microbusiness. This program aims to give business education to existing business in Bali, especially Nusa Dua. For August she is focusing in interviewing the existing business and assess the business program like products, finance, marketing, and general strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to business. She already interviewed 5 business so far in August.
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