On 21st of July 2023, ZeroWaste Bazaar was held by R.O.L.E. Foundation to appreciate local people who joined our waste management program at ZeroWaste Center. We encourage local people to do waste separation at their houses and bring the separated waste to our center. We give them a coupon per kilogram of their waste as an incentive to appreciate their participation in waste management. ZeroWaste Bazaar is the moment where they could exchange their coupons for stuff such as eggs, rice, vegetables, stationeries and clothes. The bazaar is conducted once in three months and this is the third one of this year.

We provide various items that are needed by local people such as groceries for cooking, stationeries for children, and clothes at ZeroWaste Bazaar. Otherwise, we provide more rice and eggs at this bazaar because local people demand more of those items than others. The bazaar was scheduled to start at 1 PM, but many local people already came to ZeroWaste Center before the time. It showed the enthusiasm of local people toward this bazaar. Based on the data we collected during the bazaar, more than 40 people visited the bazaar to exchange their coupons into the bazaar items.

We collected the data of the total coupons that were brought by local people. The total amount of coupons recorded is more than 6.300 coupons. But we only could provide the bazaar items that cover 3.000 coupons to exchange. Therefore, we implemented a new rule to limit the maximum amount for exchanging rice and eggs to make sure all local people could receive both items. For rice, it was 5 kg max per person and 30 pcs of eggs max per person. This rule allowed us to spread the important items in the fair

ZeroWaste Bazaar always becomes the moment to look at the happiness of local people who come to receive groceries they need for their daily lives. We believe that through this event, we could encourage people to look at waste as a valuable thing. They are educated to separate their own waste independently and bring the waste to ZeroWaste Center, then they receive the reward of their work. This bazaar should always be conducted to see the beautiful smiles on their faces.