Education will never die.  Like with books as a source of knowledge and the first window to see the world. As a form of concern for education, last month Balian Water donated comic books to support educational programs for elementary school children learning English at Zerowaste Center.

Have you heard about Balian Water?

Balian Water is Bali’s first Natural Mineral Water, from Mount Agung and is certified as Natural Mineral Water. It is 100% natural. It is important to remember that Natural Mineral Water is the premium standard of bottled water offered for sale as a beverage. Balian Water’s classification as Natural Mineral Water refers to the Indonesian National Standard (SNI 01 6242 2000) in line with the international Codex Alimentarius standard 108-1981 from the World Health Organization (WHO), which certifies that this water is clearly distinguishable from Mineral Water and other ordinary drinking water because:

  • It is obtained directly from a natural underground source;
  • It maintains a constant composition and a higher level of microbiological purity;
  • It is collected and bottled close to the point of emergence of the source with particular hygienic precautions and without any chemical treatment

Comic books it’s easy to understand for the Kids 

The book is like a teacher who never gets angry but saves billions of knowledge. In the world of education it is very close to the presence of books, especially book stories like comics. Mostly the kids around 6-12 years old in elementary school love the comics. Balianers Go Green comic is a very interesting storybook with colorful pictures and is easy to understand. This book contains education in creating and cultivating compassion for the environment which is packaged in the form of a funny story.

A big big thank you!

Supporting education program at ZeroWaste Center, PT. Balian Water has donated Baliners Go Green comic books. This book contains education to protect and maintain the environment which is packaged in a very interesting picture story. The method of introducing the environment that is packaged in picture stories becomes more interesting, especially for elementary school children. THANK YOU BALIAN WATER.