On Friday, 22 September 2023, The Monthly Beach Cleanup was conducted at Kelan Beach. We collaborated with SD No. 4 Benoa, which brought 20 students to help clean the beach, and we also like to thank our sponsors Club Ocean, for sponsoring this cleanup. This collaboration aims to encourage students to take real action in protecting the beach and ocean by taking the waste along the beach. As a tourist destination, this beach should always be clean from the garbage. This action would be a moment to spread environmental messages to raise the awareness of people to care more about waste problems in coastal areas. Together with 70 people in total who are R.O.L.E. Foundation staff, Bali WISE students, students and teachers from SD No. 4 Benoa, and some volunteers that joined Beach Cleanup, we collected 235,35 kg of inorganic waste within two hours cleaning the beach. The collected waste will be separated in detail at the ZeroWaste Center and will be managed to face the next steps, such as recycling and upcycling.
Location and Condition of the Beach

Kelan Beach is located close to the airport and has become a tourism destination that is frequently visited by domestic and international tourists. This beach is the place where many young people spend their leisure time with family and friends to enjoy the sunset. They bring food and drink to the beach, and some still leave the waste. There is no trash bin around the beach, and it makes people throw away the waste at some corners. Therefore, we conducted a beach cleanup by collaborating with an elementary school to show the harmful effects of being ignorant about the environment. We want people to understand how to care for the environment by not throwing trash on the beach. At the end of the day, we need clean beaches that support the tourism sector and solve environmental issues related to waste.
Waste Collection and Separation

With 70 people, 235,35 kg of inorganic waste was collected during the Beach Cleanup Event at Kelan Beach. Based on the pie chart above, we can see that Residue is the majority of the total waste collected, around 40%. Residue itself is a small amount of something that remains after the main part has gone or been taken or used, such as broken glass and plastic. Almost 88 kg of glass bottles were collected during the event, which is the second-highest percentage of total waste compared to other waste items. Hard plastic, such as plastic cups, plastic bottles, plastic straws, and so forth touch 7 % of the total waste. Around 11 kg of soft plastic, such as laminated plastic, clear plastic bags, and colored plastic, were collected during the event. As always, shoes and slippers are the items that we received during beach cleanup, and this month, this item reached 8 % of the total waste collected. Furthermore, there are some minorities, such as tetrapack, cigarette packs, and aluminum cans that were also gathered at the event.
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You can also be part of the change by joining our sponsoring our beach cleanup! Click the link below to find out more.
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Sponsors a beach cleanup – email to rama@rolefoundation.org
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