The beach cleanup at Geger Beach was carried out by R.O.L.E. Foundation as part of our monthly program. A group of 31 individuals. It took 1.5 hours to clean up the beach, and 181.21 kg of non-organic rubbish was hauled away.
Location and Condition of the Beach

The beach is located at Geger beach, Dalem Geger Pemutih Temple. There’s a beautiful temple and parking lot in front of the beach, and the beach itself has a short shore with white sand, and clear blue water. The biggest contributor of the waste we picked up was glass, for almost 44.3% of the total waste.
Waste Collection and Separation

We collected 181.21 kg of non-organic waste. After the cleanup, the waste was brought to the ZeroWaste Center, where it was separated for specific recycling and upcycling purposes. The biggest part of the waste was glass (44.3%), followed by glass bottles (20.1%), and residue (19.4%).

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Sponsor one of our monthly beach cleanups to make Bali beaches clean and support tourism on the island. Contact Rama at for more information.
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