On Friday, May 24, 2024, we held another Beach Cleanup at Kedonganan Beach. With 52 participants consisting of Bali WISE students, R.O.L.E Foundation staff and volunteers, we managed to collect 328.96 kg of non-organic waste. This waste will be sorted at the ZeroWaste Center and screened for recyclables and landfill waste. Thank you for the collaboration and sponsorship of House of Atlantis Pty. Ltd. in supporting Beach Cleanup to protect the ocean from litter. Thank you also to Club Ocean for their support in campaigning for a litter-free ocean. We hope that this event will continue and continue to get support from more parties so that we can have a more positive impact on the environment.
Location and Condition of the Beach

Kedonganan Beach is a busy beach with a lot of human activity as it is very close to fishing activities and there is a very famous fish market that is often visited by locals and tourists. The beach borders Jimbaran Beach to the south and Kelan Beach to the north. The beach always receives a lot of visitors which results in a lot of garbage decorating the corner of the beach. The active fish market causes the area to smell fishy and produces a lot of garbage. In addition, the garbage-polluted sea also discharges garbage onto the shoreline, making the beach even worse. Therefore, we often organize Beach Cleanup at this beach with the aim to provide real education to save the sea from the dangers of garbage. We hope that more and more residents will be touched and change their lifestyle not to litter.
Waste Collection and Separation

The total waste collected during the Beach Cleanup at Kedonganan Beach was 328.96 kg of non-organic waste. There were 52 participants who cleaned the Kedonganan Beach area for one and a half hours. Based on the pie chart above, residue still always dominates the percentage of total waste with 48% of the total waste. Residue is the most common waste found during Beach Cleanup events and is categorized as waste that is damaged and difficult to recycle so we can only channel residue waste back to the landfill to be managed with better machines. Almost 20% of the ghost nets that we found during this event were either buried or perhaps intentionally dumped on the beach. Glass bottles that we collected amounted to 52 kg for this month which we will manage to turn into glass sand. Shoes/Slippers are almost never absent to be one of the items of trash that always exist during beach cleanup events.

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We would like to say thank you to House of Atlantis Pty. Ltd for organizing their beach cleanup with ZeroWaste Center! You could also take action and organize your very own beach cleanup with us. Contact marketing@rolefoundation.org for more information!
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