R.O.L.E Foundation conducted Monthly Beach Cleanup of December at Kedonganan Beach. The former location of this event should be along the beach, however it changed to the illegal landfill near the beach due to the fact that we found a lot of waste scattered and stacked on the site. Another reason why we moved to the landfill is because a group from the local government was already at the beach to conduct the same event. With 30 people that were R.O.L.E Foundation staff and Bali Wise students, we could collect 206,7 kg of inorganic waste at the illegal landfill.
Location and Condition of the Beach

Kedonganan Beach is one of the famous destinations that offer delicious seafood with beautiful ocean scenery to the tourists. The beach is located near Kelan Beach where we conducted the last Beach Cleanup. Beside the beauty of the beach, this beach often gets waste carried by sea waves. In addition, there is a fish market that is always crowded with visitors located at the northern part of this beach that contributes to produce waste. That is why Kedonganan Beach becomes a potential location for the event. However, at the moment, the local government was already at the beach to clean up, so we changed plans to choose the illegal landfill near the beach as the location for this month’s Beach Cleanup.
Waste Collection and Separation

We collected 206,7 kg of waste during the Beach Cleanup at the illegal landfill of Kedonganan. The amount of waste collected this month is higher compared to the previous event at Kelan Beach. Residue still dominates the total collected waste, while tetrapak only reaches o,2% of the collected waste. Glass gets a quarter of the waste collected which is around 25%. About 22 kg of soft plastic was gathered at the landfill and only 6,3% was hard plastic. Furthermore, we always found shoes/slippers at every beach cleanup and for this month, we got almost 20 kg of the total waste collected.

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