Kelan Beach was chosen to be the location where we conducted Beach Cleanup as a monthly program by R.O.L.E Foundation. With 28 people that consist of R.O.L.E Foundation staff and Bali Wise students, we collected 173,75 kg non-organic waste along the Kelan coastline. Our message through this action is to campaign the importance of keeping the beach clean to protect the environment and preserve the beauty of nature.
Location and Condition of the Beach

Kelan Beach is located in the Tuban Village and close to Ngurah Rai International Airport. This strategic position makes the beach one of the favorite choices to visit by tourists. Otherwise, waste is a big problem to manage at this beach because every morning waste that comes from the sea almost covers one third of the beach. This is why we should do something to increase the awareness of managing waste and not to throw away the waste into the river where the waste will always end up in the ocean and beach.
Waste Collection and Separation

In total, we collected 173,75 kg of waste during this beach cleanup at Kelan Beach. After gathering the waste, we do waste separation at ZeroWaste Center and weight all waste based on the specific categories. Based on our data, residue dominates the total amount of waste that reaches almost 50%. More than 14% of the entire collected waste is soft plastic. Furthermore, it is always interesting at almost every Beach Cleanup event we find this item which is slippers that is around 13% of the waste. Hard plastic touches 12,8% of total waste. Other types of non-organic waste such as aluminum cans, metal bottles, and glass bottles are the minorities.

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