As part of Zero Waste to Oceans Conference 2019 follow up, we created a letter of recommendation for stakeholders in the government, private business and organizations about the result of the conference. The letter of recommendation focus on answering 2 questions; who is responsible for post-consumer plastic waste in the environment? And who is responsible for removing this post-consumer waste from the environment? The recommendation letter itself compiled from the suggestions of the participants during the conference. The answer of the question were summarized in our recommendations as EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility).
R.O.L.E. Foundation has hosted Zero Waste to Ocean Conferences with the purpose of increasing public, private and government awareness about the need to mitigate the leakage of plastic from land into Bali’s waterways.
Working together with Jane Fischer, Indonesian Waste Platform, we have compiled the list of recommendations from the 5 workshop groups made up of 200 participants, consisting of civil societies and private enterprises. This recommendation sent to association of producers, governments, consumers, private companies and organizations. We already sent the recommendation to 23 stakeholders including the Government of Bali Province.
The recommendation letter can be downloaded here (English) and here (Bahasa).

Discussion with the Head of Environmental Agency of Bali’s Province (Drs. I Made Teja) and Director of Bali’s Waste Management (I Made Dwi Arbani, S.TP., M.Si.,) Regarding Recommendation Letter and EPR
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