Electricity is a top priority that must be budgeted for in family or company. The reason is because the use of almost all electronic devices depend on electricity. Solar panels can be self-sustaining power plants that are more efficient, as well as promising for the long term and are environmentally friendly.
Why ZeroWaste Center depends on solar panel

Almost 80% of electricity use at ZeroWaste Center is provided by our solar panels. It covers the electricity for waste management machines, lights, and operational day-to-day use. In the beginning of February, the solar panels battery got damaged due to unknown reasons and emitted dangerous gas from the damaged lithium ion parts and forced us to turn the panel off. With little funding that we currently have, we cannot afford to fix the battery this month or even this year, thus forcing us to use 100% electricity from the government and increasing our electricity bills massively.
With the rising bills, it will also affect the waste management machinery which means we can’t operate it as much as we used to in order to reduce electricity consumption. ZeroWaste Center depends heavily on solar power to reduce the amount of waste going into the landfill.
We need your help
To fix the solar panel battery, we need at least Rp. 12,500,000 to purchase four 12V 100Ah AGM Batteries to replace the damaged batteries. We need your help to keep ZeroWaste Center operating and reduce waste to landfill. Any donation counts and you can be part of the solution by donating to our bank account or PayPal here: https://zerowastecenter.org/donate/
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