Our eyes can deceive us easily when we are at the beach. Looking at beautiful oceans from a pristine location can revert our gaze from the waste that we miss inside the beach sand. This is what we encounter at Sawangan Beach. On 27th July 2022, we did a beach cleanup at Sawangan Beach. A team of 32 participants consisted of R.O.L.E. Foundation staff and Bali WISE students. We have collected an astonishing amount of 200.65 kg of non-organic waste.
Location And Condition Of The Beach

The beach is located behind the Hilton Nusa Dua Hotel. When we first conduct our research, there was not a lot of waste that we can find just by looking around the beach. But, something feels odd and we decided to do the cleanup at Sawangan Beach. To our surprise, there is a lot of trash inside the sand and we can find even more trash after we go deeper into the bushes.

Waste Collection and Separation

At first, we estimated that we will only get around 50 kgs of waste, but after about two hours we managed to collect 200.65 kg of non-organic waste, which tripled our estimation! After the cleanup, the waste was brought to the ZeroWaste Center, where it was separated for specific recycling and upcycling purposes. The biggest part of the waste was rubber and slippers (29.3%), followed by hard plastic (17.5%), and fishing gears (17%).
ZeroWaste Bazaar

Ever since the pandemic and war between Russia and Ukraine started, the price of the commodity has skyrocketed, and most of the local people in Sawangan are affected by the rising prices of basic needs such as rice and eggs. To give back to the community, ZeroWaste Center decided not to raise our prices for the products and items that the local community can exchange with their waste vouchers during the ZeroWaste Bazaar. The local community is very excited to attend the bazaar, both adults and children flock to the area to exchange their vouchers for their basic needs. We are very thankful to our donator and B1G1 for supporting the ZeroWaste Bazaar initiatives. With their generous support, we can continue to help the local community in Sawangan and also teach them the importance of waste management.
Play a ROLE

We are in need of more donations to buy more products for the local community of Sawangan, you can be part of this great initiative by donating any amount of money to our bank account (click here to see bank details). No amount is too small! Be part of waste management education while supporting the economy of the local community!
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