As part of their Healthy Environmental Training Program, nineteen students of SMP Negeri 5 Kuta Selatan between the ages of 13-15 years old had a half day training of Waste to Wonder at Zero Waste to Oceans – Community Environment and Skills Center. Making the total trained students to 8200.

Before the training began, the students were asked about their knowledge about environment. The training focused on 3R (Reduce, Reuse and Recycling) to tackle waste problem. The students learned about reducing their waste, making compost from organic waste, reusing plastics/cans for planting, recycling paper and soap. They also learned about problem in the forest and oceans, jamu (Indonesian traditional herbal medicine), natural dyes and traditional weaving.

The training was finished with promise to keep Bali clean, green and healthy. They also lemongrass tea, jamu kunyit asam and traditional cakes.
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