Sharing knowledge about sustainable waste management and educating public-school children and youth to become more concerned about (plastic) waste and how to reduce it is one of the missions of the R.O.L.E. Foundation. That’s why we encourage them to bring their waste on a weekly basis, in exchange for fun environmental classes and all kinds of products that they can use at home.
Start with the youth to change the future

Twice a week, when the kids from the surrounding local communities in Sawangan come to join the English Environmental Classroom, they bring their plastic waste to the Zerowaste center. Usually they are escorted by their parents or their siblings. The garbage they carry is clean waste that has been separated by type, such as colored plastic, milk boxes, plastic food or drink labels, and so on.
The waste they bring will be recorded and weighed in the ZeroWaste Center. For every kilo of garbage, they receive one voucher, which they can exchange during the Bazaar for various kinds of basic necessities and other accessories. In this way, they learn that this waste has economic value.
“If we want children to flourish, to become truly empowered, let us allow them to love the earth before we ask them to save it.” – David Sobel
David Sobel is an American educator and academic, responsible for developing the philosophy of place-based education. Place-based learning engages students in their community, including their physical environment, local culture, history, or people. With place-based learning, students get to see the results of their work in their community.
In the ZeroWaste Center, the same principle is practiced. The children grow love for the environment during the playful classes, they learn that waste should be minimized as much as possible, they see their communities become cleaner as they themselves don’t litter anymore, and they get rewarded by the products they can bring home in exchange for the waste vouchers during the 3-monthly Bazaar.
Next Bazaar in July

The next Bazaar will be in July, after the monthly Beach Cleanup. And everybody is welcome at the ZeroWaste Center, so join the local community, the Bali WISE students, and the R.O.L.E. Foundation team in this joyful event! More info about the exact date and time will be published here:
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