As part of the monthly program, R.O.L.E. Foundation conducted beach clean-ups at Tanjung Benoa Beach on the 20th of May 2022. The beach clean-up was participated by 27 persons from our team members and Bali WISE Students. The team collected 334.6 kg of non-organic waste.
The Beach Condition

The participants cleaned up the shoreline of Tanjung Benoa Beach behind PT. Pacific Bahari Bali. The shore condition was quite clean, but there was a lot of waste among the seaweeds. The parking lot area was also dirty.
Waste Collected

In one hour, R.O.L.E. Foundation’s team members, together with the Bali WISE students collected 334.6 kg of non-organic waste. After the clean-up, the waste was separated and the biggest amount was rubber and slippers (32.9%), consisting of tiny dirty pieces, followed by glass (29.1%), and residue (17.9 %)

The Ocean is Beautiful Without Plastic
Planet Earth is our only home, and Nature is for all species, not only humans, but humans are the only species that produce waste and threaten other species. The beach clean-up is a small part of the action to protect the ocean from the dangers of plastic waste. But the most important thing is how we can be responsible for managing our waste. Do you want to know? How do we do it? Join us in the next beach clean-up activity or you can join the specialist training program at the ZeroWaste center. For more information, you can visit our website or Instagram.
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