VALENTINE’S DAY AT THE ISC –Rotary of Bali Nusa Dua partners up for the love of Bali Introduction -The choice of Valentines Day for our hand over, presentation and announcement day represents our love for Bali and her peoples by Role Foundation, Bali Wise and Rotary Club of Bali, Nusa Dua. It is a good day to raise awareness. Bali is just like your partner – she needs love, respect and to be taken care of. Rotary Nusa Dua has given Role the means to do that, even in a small scale. Bali is in her hour of need, with massive developments everywhere, with an estimated 5,000 tons of solid waste discarded daily into the bush – don’t know about the liquid waste, because you can not see it -, crazy traffic/air pollution, over 10,000 hectares farmland being developed yearly, and huge population influx, Bali REALLY needs some loving care, just like your partner does. That is why Valentines was chosen as presentation day. To show our love for Bali and her peoples.
Environmental Ambassadors Program – There are over 875 Banjars or local councils who are doing a fantastic job with cultural and religious issues, events etc., but are finding it tough going with village and farmland planning and development. Also they are losing up to 80% of their population to jobs in the south of Bali. The crucial talent that is needed to run an effective council is draining away through that. Role has identified the need to find Balinese young men and women who have a passion for a clean Bali and her surrounding oceans, starting with their village and associated farmland and give them the tools through education to actually get positive infrastucture, systems and management in town planning and development work done. Through Permaculture starting with the “Waste to Wonder” Program. Disposing of the solid and liquid waste properly and using the organic matter to grow healthy food and livestock is a winner for all towns and villages. These young men and women look at Denpasar, Kuta, the Bukit and Southern Bali and are scared. They are craving for a sustainable Bali, starting with their own village and surrounding farmland. Through the program they can receive the tools necessary to help local Banjars which are also their families and friends, to give a healthy lifestyle and environment to their people and to help creating jobs.
Completion – The Pilot Waste Management Program, Sawangan has been successfully handed over to the Banjar of Sawangan. Role with Rotary of Nusa Duas Professional assistance, both financial and engineering, developed and maintain this pilot project of Solid Waste Management for the past 16 months. Through 3 pick ups of solid waste around the village per week, education program of both adults and school kids, and the distribution of 6 large bins and over 250 small household bins, the system was built, managed, maintained and financed. As the completion of this pilot project was in sight the Sawangan Banjar and its members applied for and received a truck, a shredder and acquired some land to do the the sorting etc. The Banjar is very aware of the necessity to maintain this vital service to its people who have now become accustomed to it. There are no longer piles of waste and smelling burning toxic waste around Sawangan with its home for rats, mosquitos, wild dogs and its accompaning deseases and long term lung problems. The effects of cleaning up the waste are hard to measure, but I am 100% sure people will benefit health wise. It was a successful project from start up, to its completion and to the hand over. The hand over of the truck and shredder from the Sawangan Village Waste Management Pilot Project to the Waste to Wonder program is very important for it to continue.
Hand over of Truck and Shredder – The completion of one project is the beginning of another using the same equipment. This equipment is now used to help Role maintain a working example at its Island Sustainability Education Center to educate Environmental Ambassadors, to reach out to the villages and farmlands all around Bali and so much more. One truck and one shredder, and sorting/composting buildings, valued at Rp 150 million. Thank you Rotary of Bali, Nusa Dua, and not just for the funds. The assistant with the management, engineering and meetings with the Banjar was and is a true partnership.
Signing of the MOU between Role Foundation and the Banjar Ngis
It was a day full of handshakes, signing papers and happy faces about the positive outcome of the collaboration between Rotary Club Bali, Nusa Dua, Role Foundation, the Banjar of Sawangan and the Banjar of Ngis. Thanks to everyone involved, thanks to the generosity of Rotary, thanks to the members of the banjars, thanks to the staff, students and volunteers of ROLE Foundation for making this all happen. |
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