ZeroWaste Center conducted a Waste Management & Compost Workshop on Wednesday, 21 June 2023 at SD No. 11 Jimbaran, South Kuta. The workshop aims to elaborate on how to manage school waste and compost organic waste. All teachers and students were collected at the main field to learn about waste management and compost by ZeroWaste Center’s staff. Approximately 450 students attended the workshop and learned about waste issues, types of plastic waste, waste management and compost implementation. The workshop was combined with giving fun quizzes and games related to waste management and compost. At the end of the day, the workshop was successful in attracting more students to involve and ask more questions during and after the event.

We started the workshop at 8 am and before we arrived at the school, the students were already arranged to gather at the school’s main field. For the beginning, educators greeted and gave some quizzes about waste type, the importance of environmental protection, and student habits at schools. We found many students enthusiastic about our quizzes and brave to explain the answers in front of all students and teachers. These methods were assumed to be effective to attract students’ interest in waste management and compost.

After quiz time, we moved to the main workshop which was the elaboration of waste management by the educators. The educators explained some waste problems in Indonesia and Bali, the impacts of waste issues, the types of plastic waste and how we could manage the waste from our schools. Then we did a game related to waste types where we asked some students to join the game and divided them into two groups. Each group should choose which one PET, HDPE or PVC is. The game was successfully to build the ambience of the workshop where other students learned and supported each other.

Moving to the compost workshop, educators were helped by a gardener to demonstrate the compost explanation to the students. The students were so excited to learn how to compost the organic waste at home and school. We highlighted some simple components that the students could easily find at home or school to do composting. After compost elaboration, we opened the question and answer with students. Many students gave questions related to composting. After the compost session, we concluded the workshop and thanked the headmaster and teachers of the school who invited us to conduct the workshop.

Overall, the workshop ran smoothly and successfully. After the workshop, we received positive feedback from the headmaster, teachers and students. Some students still approached us to ask more questions related to waste management and compost. We were so glad that this event could give many positive impacts to raise awareness of waste management and compost at school. This event should be continued to other schools to spread the campaign of environmental protection from waste.
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