SMPN 03 KUTA SELATAN – 20 Pupils – 13 years old

935990_10201372801305279_1702186018_nHere are the Students from SMPN 03 Kuta Selatan preparing for the ‘Reforestation Challenge’ game. Similar to golf they must attempt to throw a seed ball from where they are standing into special holes in the garden to earn ‘reforestation points’.

What is the aim of this game?

During the dry season we throw the seed balls on the slopping lands. It will roll and during the rainy season , it will set up and start to grow thanks to the water.
Why do we teach “Reforestation” to our pupils?

They need to understand that reforestation fights climate change by sequestering carbon dioxide emissions from the atmosphere in trees and soil and has many co-benefits for the community and local wildlife. Forest preservation maintains and expands wildlife habitats, protects biodiversity, and improves local environmental quality.