A group of passionate people gathered on Sunday (January 6th, 2018) to join our Think Global Act Local session at Zero Waste to Oceans- Community Environment & Skills Center. Mainly they are from Fill Your Cup health retreat by Rory Callaghan and wish to learn more about environmental problems in Bali and the solutions provided.
All of them went through our stations one by one guided directly by R.O.L.E. Foundation’s founder, Mike O’Leary. First they went to Waste Separation station to learn more about waste management and its condition in Bali. The recyclables could be recycled in Recycling Station, like soap, retired bed sheets and old towels. They also tried their hands on composting using lasagna method.
After dealing with waste they went to Seed Banks, sowing seeds and making seed balls. They also have great throwing competition. The tour then continued to Companion Planting Area where they learn about planting and had herb smelling test. They also checked out our Snail Farming Area where hundreds of snail hiding in their nest.
Everybody had chance to create their own bandana from retired bed sheets and see the process of traditional weaving rang-rang. All of them also enjoyed jamu, traditional cakes and tropical fruits in the end.
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