The 6 R’s of Sustainability: REVIEW (blog 2/7)

The 6 R’s of Sustainability: REVIEW (blog 2/7)

R.O.L.E. Foundation practices 6 R’s of Sustainability to reduce the amount of waste we are producing: Review, Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Rethink your Residue. In a series of 7 blogs, the 6 R’s are explained to give practical information about what we as a...
The 6 R’s of Sustainability: Introduction

The 6 R’s of Sustainability: Introduction

As most of the waste, around 80%, ends up in landfills or is littered, it’s clear we can’t go on like this. Planet Earth will turn into one pile of waste, not only on land but also in rivers and oceans. R.O.L.E. Foundation has chosen to follow 6 R’s that cover all...