by Handoko Rama | Apr 27, 2015 | ZeroWaste Tour & Workshops
EcoPark Tours in April were organized for kids from Papua. In our Eco Park, we hosted 210 students from YPJ School in Papua . All the groups had chance to explore Eco Park in Nusa Dua with our Eco Tour Guide Pak Ketut. Pak Ketut explained the importance of recycling,...
by Handoko Rama | Jun 16, 2014 | ZeroWaste Tour & Workshops
Natural-dye work fetches a premium in the local and international textile market. However the decline of dyeing skills and traditional knowledge of lant dyes in Bali continues in spite of their ongoing value locally and amongst regional and international designers and...
by Handoko Rama | Apr 20, 2013 | ZeroWaste Tour & Workshops
Here you will find more information about what you will do and see during your EcoTour Solid Waste Management Separation Station In this station, you will have the opportunity to learn about the most bothering problem in Bali : the waste. Bali produces 20.000 tones of...
by Handoko Rama | Feb 8, 2013 | ZeroWaste Tour & Workshops
Students from STN7 Benoa are the first children of the year to enjoy an interactive tour around the Island Sustainability Education Center (ISEC) within the framework of ROLE’s interactive environmental, diet and exercise program which is targeted at Public Schools,...
by Handoko Rama | Dec 4, 2012 | ZeroWaste Tour & Workshops
40 visitors from villages in Papua put sustainable principles into practice whilst visiting ROLE’s Island Sustainability Education Centre (ISC) in Nusa Dua this month. ROLE’s Waste-to-Wonder Pilot Program launched last year in Sawangan Banjar with the support of...
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