by Handoko Rama | Jan 9, 2019 | ZeroWaste Tour & Workshops
A group of passionate people gathered on Sunday (January 6th, 2018) to join our Think Global Act Local session at Zero Waste to Oceans- Community Environment & Skills Center. Mainly they are from Fill Your Cup health retreat by Rory Callaghan and wish to learn...
by Handoko Rama | Mar 1, 2018 | ZeroWaste Tour & Workshops
School Name : Gandhi Memorial International School Program Date : 27th February 2018 36 students and 4 teachers from Gandhi Memorial International School participated in half day interactive training in Community Environment and Skills Center. The students were...
by Handoko Rama | Dec 29, 2017 | R.O.L.E. Foundation, ZeroWaste Tour & Workshops
Our team here at R.O.L.E. Foundation, dedicated their time and effort not only to educate the local community about waste. But we also finding people with the same passion and mission as we do. Meet Candra, Candra is a Marine Scientist from Bandung and as a scientist,...
by Handoko Rama | May 9, 2017 | ZeroWaste Tour & Workshops
Waste-to-Wonder Tour at the Zero Waste to Ocean Park! Today we had 12 children from Asian International School of Bali doing our waste-to-wonder program. So much fun: -Soap Recycling -Waste Separation Race -Composting -Plant a Seedling -Make a Seedball And at the end...
by Handoko Rama | Nov 23, 2016 | ZeroWaste Tour & Workshops
Think Global Act Local Tour: On Sunday November 20th, we were fortunate to have our first tour of the new EcoPark. While construction is not finalized we still had many activities for the group to do. The international students from GEMS World Academy Dubai...
by Handoko Rama | May 27, 2016 | ZeroWaste Tour & Workshops
Yesterday we had new visitors at Role Foundation joining our Exchange for Change Program – Leave Something Good Behind in Bali. They were the Sunrise School Bali students, making the interaction between them and our Bali WISE students very interesting. Sunrise...
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